L/'europe s'engage


Région Sud

Concrete Actions

The LIFE IP Smart Waste project formally started in January 2018. During a first phase, some 100 concrete operations will be launched by the partners, then the project team of the Region will formalize the launch of two calls for projects aimed at other associated beneficiaries: exemplary territories and economic actors. An Eductour (program of visits aimed at reinforcing knowledge and coordination between all the project's stakeholders) will be launched at the beginning of the project and renewed during 2022 for decision-makers and technicians, with a view to exchanging best practices and skills upgrading of the waste sector actors. In order to enrich this regional dynamic, the project foresees the animation of 12 annual workshops around 6 priority themes related to the operations to be implemented.


Reward waste sorting

Pays de Fayence - Redevance Incitative

Download (pdf - 602 KB)

Develop collective composting sites

Serre-Ponçon - Stratégie biodéchets

Download (pdf - 396 KB)

Develop new recovery centres

Lacs et Gorges du Verdon - Création d'une Ressourcerie

Download (pdf - 388 KB)

Optimise selective collection

Lacs et Gorges du Verdon - Renforcement de la collecte en Point d'apport…

Download (pdf - 507 KB)

Develop individual composting in semi-urban territories

Coeur du Var - Distribution de composteurs en PAP

Download (pdf - 253 KB)

Optimise recycling centres

Coeur du Var - Contrôle des accès en déchetterie

Download (pdf - 249 KB)

Optimise recycling centres

Lacs et Gorges du Verdon - Déchetterie intercommunale

Download (pdf - 398 KB)

Strengthen public awareness

SITTOMAT - Campagne de communication Extension des Consignes de Tri

Download (pdf - 414 KB)

Develop individual composting in semi-urban territories

Méditerranée Porte des Maures - Prévention des déchets organiques

Download (pdf - 411 KB)

Fight against food waste in school canteens

Région Sud - Stratégie biodéchets Lycées

Download (pdf - 855 KB)